Check box fields
This example will illustrate the process of creating a general Element that has four Check box fields contained in the Interaction list. The Information section of the Element asks the question, "Which of the following countries have a significant Spanish speaking population?" The check box fields in the Interaction list would be as follows: |
This table also represents the order in which each of the Check Box fields appear in the Interaction list. To provide a correct answer the user must place a check in the first three Check Boxes. The Response property for each of the Check Boxes is set to false. When checking the values of multiple Check boxes, the CHECKBOXES System variable is the most convenient choice. In the Response that deals with the correct answer in this example, the condition would look as follows: IF CHECKBOXES = T,T,T,F In a Response that deals with an incorrect answer you could use ELSE when defining the condition, or use the following: IF CHECKBOXES <> T,T,T,F |
To test which Check box fields have been set to true and false, you can check the value of each field individually by using its name in the condition. For example: If Spain = true AND Mexico = true AND Brazil = true AND South Korea = false The above condition also traps the correct answer. |