When you create a new Lesson, the Lesson dialog will contain a Lesson icon at the top of the Lesson structure list.


Attached to the Lesson icon is a question mark - the Lesson Type icon. You will soon replace the Lesson Type icon with an icon of the type Sequential, Random or Menu. This will define the type of Lesson that you are creating.

The overall Lesson, however, has predefined properties. When the Lesson icon is highlighted in the Lesson structure list, three icons are displayed in the Contents list. These are properties of the Lesson overall.

The three icons are : Preferences, Background and Foreground.



To edit the Preferences, Background and Foreground for the Lesson:

  • highlight the Lesson icon in the structure list, or any of the icons in the content list.
  • click the edit button on the Lesson button bar, the Lesson settings dialog will then appear.
  • set properties for each of the tabs on the Lesson settings dialog.